About Innovation360
Innovation360 is a next-generation Innovation Management firm with an advanced analytics platform to assess an organization’s aspiration and readiness for innovation. Strategic intent, capabilities, leadership and culture are correlated and benchmarked. Our analysis gives companies a comprehensive look into their own DNA, helping them pinpoint both opportunities and blockers for innovation, and to chart a unique course forward with confidence.
Headquartered in Stockholm, with executiv offices in New York and Toronto, Innovation360 is actively engaged in projects around the world, from regional development projects to government initiatives and large-scale industrial and infrastructure projects. Our practitioners are deploying our methods and using our tools on projects ranging from workshops with executive teams to wide-scale regional development projects.
Innovation360 Licensed Practitioners are top business leaders, analysts and experts, working in every field and industry to usher in transformative change in our disruptive era.
Global Thought Leadership
Why do some companies succeed, again and again, while others can never replicate an initial success, or fail entirely despite a very promising concept?
Is it luck, timing or strategy?
After working to turn around and scale up a number of companies, Innovation360 CEO and founder Magnus Penker became curious about why some companies are able to innovate consistently while others fail. Following businesses into the rabbit hole to answer these questions became his life’s guiding mission.
Based on the best academic research and applied science, Magnus built an innovation framework to assess and measure innovation capabilities across an organization. Using this framework, Innovation360 has gathered data from companies on every continent, from entrepreneurial scale-ups to the largest exchange-traded funds.
Today, the innovation management firm Innovation360’s InnoSurvey® draws insights from the world’s most comprehensive database of innovation projects, now including more than 5000 companies in 105 countries.
These insights into the fundamental nature of innovation form the heart of the Innovation360 Group’s methodology. Our patented analytic tool, InnoSurvey®, and the framework that supports it, are not just theoretical but immensely practical, allowing us to assess an organization’s readiness for innovation, establish a baseline and recommend an innovation strategy supported by the organization’s unique capability profile.
Successful innovators do not come up with market winning ideas by luck or inspiration. Innovation is a highly structured process that converts market needs into realities with a precise execution plan. That structure is what allows successful companies to innovate over and over again.
The science of innovation management is still in its infancy. Our accreditation program will prepare you not just to deliver full-scale transformation projects, but to play a role in defining emerging global standards. The International Standards Organization (ISO) is in the process of creating guidelines for innovation management under ISO 56000. As members of the working committee crafting these standards, a team of Innovation360 Licensed Practitioners are taking the lead in shaping the future.
The grand challenges of our time will call upon all of our innovative potential, and a shared language and methodology for working together.
About Magnus Penker
Magnus Penker is a highly sought-after CEO, author and speaker on topics related to innovation management, artificial intelligence, digitization, and business transformation. He has presented his original concepts at prestigious global forums and events, such as the Global Peter Drucker Forum, top-ranked international business and design schools, and in front of executives at the world’s largest enterprises. Among his published works, the Five-Volume Series, The Complete Guide to Business Innovation, provides a concentrated introduction to his research and approach to innovation management.
Business Worldwide Magazine recognized Magnus as the ‘Most Innovative CEO Sweden 2016’ and he was chosen as a Global Top 100 CEO by CEO Monthly in 2018. Under his leadership, the innovation management firm Innovation360 Group has led regional development projects and expanded from its headquarters in Stockholm, Sweden, to offices in New York City, Toronto and Chicago.
To prove the value of his insights and theories, Magnus has launched 10 start-ups and has acquired, turned around, and sold over 30 enterprises across Europe. Innovation360 has guided clients on every continent, from entrepreneurial scale-ups to the largest exchange-traded funds and global 100 firms.
On a mission to establish a reliable innovation pipeline for sustainable growth and profits, Magnus continues to travel the globe delving deeper into the mechanics of bringing new ideas to life. He demonstrates how companies can experiment with radical innovation to extend their functional lifespan as long as possible, because every success means another company that can contribute to solving the world’s greatest challenges.
The world is facing unprecedented threats to a sustainable future, with a need for powerful, original ideas to address issues such as access to clean water, better education, healthcare, an end to poverty, and smarter agriculture policies to support the growing population. The only way to solve these issues is through radical innovation and active experimentation.
It’s clear that even though the world has never changed so much so quickly, it will never change this slowly again. Only a structured approach to radical innovation can help organizations operate at this speed and humanity reach its full potential.