The Benefits of Accreditation as a Licensed Practitioner and our Innovation Certification Program
The Innovation Certificartion Program: Innovation is a science, and it can be taught, but every organization must find its own path to innovate profitably. An off-the-shelf strategy doesn’t produce results. You have to start with a comprehensive assessment. Assessing the organization’s unique strengths and in-depth analysis of how the market is changing. Successful innovators use a structured approach, based on hard data and original research at every step, from brainstorming to commercialization.
The Three Paths
The Innovation Certification Program is divided into three different paths. The first path is for consultants, the second is for universities, and the third for major companies. All path starts with an accreditation where you become a Licensed Practitioner. You start at the level of IMBA (Innovation Management Basic Accreditation™️). From there, you move up to IMYB (Innovation Management Yellow Belt™️), IMGB (Innovation Management Green Belt™️), to IMBB (Innovation Management Black Belt™️).
The Key Benefits for the Innovation Certification Program
As an accredited Licensed Practitioner, the first step in our Innovation Certtification Program, you will generate value from day one, thanks to:
- Access to the world´s largest innovation database and analytics tool: InnoSurvey® – incorporating data from +5,000 companies in 105 countries
- Proven templates covering Insights, Analysis, Design, and Implementation of Innovation Management Systems
- High-quality methods and online tools compliant with the upcoming ISO 56000: Innovation Management
- An assessment survey engine available in all major languages
- Online workshop tools for Scenario Planning, Global Key Driver Analysis, as well as an industry-leading platform for ideation management
- Tools to eliminate 80% of your manual work so you can spend more time with your clients
- The most advanced AI analytics engine for innovation management, Sherlock
- Evidence-based and research-backed recommendations for actionable reports
- Connections in all major industries and regions of the globe through the Licensed Practitioner network
- Thought leadership, business development support, and personal branding
- Guidance on running Innovation360 Group®️ Circles. A powerful lead generation and branding event which turns on average 20% of leads into clients within 12 months
The Target Group
The Licensed Practitioner program is suitable for you as a consultant, as a professor and member of a faculty, as well as internal consultants and experts within the field of design, innovation, transformation, and digitalization.
Get all the facts in the downloadable brochures below.
Download this brochure for the full picture of the Licensed Practitioner journey and the road ahead.

IMBA Basic Accreditation™️ Brochure
Download this brochure on the benefits of Yellow, Green and Black Belt training and a lifetime of repeat business.