ISO56000 Development Timeline
ISO56000 Guidelines on Innovation Management
The ISO – International Organization for Standardization defines the gold standard for business practices in a wide range of industries, especially highly technical areas like engineering, information technology, telecommunications, healthcare, manufacturing and consulting. It provides stakeholders with authoritative guidelines for internal controls governing quality, safety and security.
It is still very early in the development of ISO standards for Innovation Management. Innovation360 was there during the early planning stages, helping to simplify, codify and expand those standards through involvement on several of the ISO’s technical committees and working groups.
Innovation360 Director Sten Jacobson leads the in-house ISO development efforts and he was joined in 2019 by Licensed Practitioners Dr. Kelly Clark and Eoin Flavin in Ireland.
The following timeline is an executive overview of developments in ISO standards for Innovation Management.

Updates on ISO 56000 Innovation Management

ISO 56000 Guidelines on Innovation Management: Updates and the Road Ahead
Over the next few years, the ISO will publish a series of standards in Innovation Management under ISO 56000 which will set a baseline for innovation as a science in the professional world.
Just as the ISO 9000 established international standards on quality management and quality assurance, these new standards will define the definitions, tools, frameworks and methodologies for quality in innovation management.