IMBB Innovation Management Black Belts™
This is the most prestigious accreditation level for Licensed Practitioners in Innovation Management. You will be recognized among the top tier of innovation consultants around the world. Black Belts embody integrity, professionalism, and in-depth knowledge of the young science of innovation. They have full access to the full suite of Innovation360 software and tools, including Sherlock, advanced AI that we developed specifically for innovation analytics and raw data. Black Belts can also take advantage of the knowledge we gained from client case studies protected by non-disclosure agreements (NDAs).
Black Belts are committed to continuous learning, even at this this level of achievement. Those who achieve the Second Dan (which is also called the Master Black Belt) or higher are eligible to join the faculty that helps develop our methods and tools. Once you attain your Master Black Belt, you will also be able to become an instructor at our accreditations. All those with an IMBB Innovation Management Black Belt™ are active practitioners and annually invited to exclusive summits consisting of in-depth, closed door sessions. These summits take place at awe-inspiring and dramatic locations, and each year the destination moves to a new region of the globe to assure that all Black Belts have a chance to attend and feel welcome to the table.
We’d like to feature some of our most recent roster of IMBB Innovation Management Black Belts™.